TECHNOLOGY: How To Make twitter pages profitable

MOST people are building professional networks via social media lately. Many, however, scratch their head when it comes to using twitter to improve profit margin. Using Facebook effectively does not guarantee one will make it big on Twitter. Here are seven tips for optimizing your twitter business page.

Research your market:

Your goal is to create positive virtual experiences on social media. When people come to your page, what happens? What’s the feeling like? Making people feel better goes a long way. You can even massage their ego. The first rule is to clearly define your target audience. Once you have defined that, then research the people they follow on twitter. Find out what type of tweets they retweet. Find out their style of interaction: formal, informal or semi formal.

Get endorsement from influencers: 

Influencers on twitter are people who get atleast two retweets, mentions and/or favourites on each tweet. End users will begin to trust your brand once influencers begin to tweet about your brand. When influencers give positive testimonials about your brand, your target audience will start listening to you. Experts suggest that influence on Twitter is based on how often someone is retweeted or mentioned.

Perfect your profile: 

Your twitter profile is a mini resume. People may read it before making the final decision to follow you or not. It is therefore important to make the right first impression with your twitter profile. You have to communicate your strong points. There has to be something catchy in your profile. You may include keywords in your profile. Keywords will make your twitter page rank higher in search engines. Another thing you can include is a famous hashtag.


Quality is better than quantity on twitter. Most people have a lot of irrelevant tweets on their news feed. They are looking for quality tweet that will help solve their problems.   Ideally, your content should be planned in advance and should have a goal. Before tweeting, ask yourself: what do I want to achieve with this tweet?
The things to avoid when tweeting are excessive selling and promotions. Nobody cares about your products/services. What they care about are their problems. Your goal when tweeting is to show how your products/services can solve their problems.

Keep It Short and Simple:

The maximum number of characters for each tweet is 140. Experts say it is better to use just 120 characters. That has at least two advantages. The first, people can add their own comment when retweeting. The second, they can use the traditional RT method of retweeting. If your characters are already 140, they can’t achieve that.

Plan your tweets:

The best way to plan your tweets is to use a service from a website or software. Popular platforms for scheduling tweets include hootsuite, buffer, futuretweets, and tweetdeck.

Getting followers:

This is perhaps the most important part. There’s no point planning your tweets, crafting a stunning profile and all that if you have no followers.

Don’t assume people will see you on twitter and follow you. Promote your twitter page. Other ways to go about it are to: promote your twitter handle via blog posts and websites, include your twitter page in your email signature, promote it on all your printed materials, mention people in your tweets, use trending hashtags, break news, incentivitize followers, and throw a contest with lots of give always.



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