Can’t say we blame her! Emilia Clarke’s sex scenes on ‘Game of Thrones’ have been the subject of a ton of chatter (because they are nuts). However, it turns out Emilia herself actually hates them!
During Game of Thrones‘ insane fifth season, the brutal and graphic sex scenes garnered a ton of attention (and some criticism). One particularly rough moment featured Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) getting violently raped, and it struck some as unnecessary. Regardless, the scene was hard to watch and incredibly graphic– and Emilia wishes it hadn’t been so explicit. In fact, she admitted that she can’t stand them!
“Sex scenes should be more subtle,” Emilia, 28, told Daily Mail. Emilia so strongly dislikes her show’s sex scenes, that they elicit a physical response. “I’m British, so I cringe at that sort of thing anyway — I can’t stand it.”
Emilia went on to explain what she thinks would be more appropriate, and even provided some constructive solutions. “I don’t want to have sex thrown in my face and I’ve always thought the suggestion is so much more titillating than the act itself,” she said.
Fair enough. However, when speaking about sex scenes in a general sense, we can’t help but to feel that Emilia is throwing a bit of shade at her own show! “Most sex scenes you see in films or on TV are gratuitous and they’re usually just to attract an audience,” she said. “On screen, the subtler the better.” Well, considering that GoT is basically the exact antithesis of subtlety, the insult kinda writes itself.
What do you guys make of Emilia’s comments? Is she right in that the sex scenes on Game of Thrones are gratuitous, or do you believe they enhance the story? And, regardless, should Emilia be making such comments about the show she stars on at all?
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